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About us
Center of excellence
in Public Financial Management
& Governance
Opening Statement 2024

2024 is starting with its share of unexpected challenges resulting from the war in Gaza and in South Lebanon.

At the Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan, our choice is clear: “Defeat was never and will never be our destiny”.
This Institute, a leading public institution, has been for the past 27 years and will remain a cornerstone of good governance and state building.
It is a model institution critical to financial and fiscal reforms.

Because challenges are immense, and the future uncertain, we revisited our modus operandi and set our priorities accordingly:
1. Restructuring and rationalizing our expenses;
2. Gradually increasing our revenues by providing paid intellectual services, in accordance with our bylaws;
3. Investing in technology to provide relevant data and evidence such as the budget dashboard and e-learning platform, and inform the structural reforms the Lebanese government wishes to undertake;
4. Implementing joint projects in cooperation with our partners in Lebanon and the region, the Institute being a Center of Excellence in Public Financial Management;
5. Training our experts abroad and expanding their knowledge in preparation for accompanying future needed reforms;
6. Retaining the Institute's team, our precious talent base of which we are proud.

Will we succeed? We strive for that, and we remain driven by our determination and moto: “Defeat was never and will never be our destiny”.
Our vision is clear: Restoring governance through strong and resilient State institutions and a shared sense of citizenship.

The Institute, its team, and expert-trainers have chosen to be public servants vowed to preserve State institutions and the dignity of its people.
We are fully aware of the depth and difficulties of the challenges resulting from the delay in reforms, the loss of talents, and the massive exit of the most qualified workforce.
We know, more than others probably, that public institutions stand at the core of the citizen's relationship to the State. Therefore, these institutions urgently need to be rescued and reformed. To this end, resources and skills are needed. These institutions also need to be guided by qualified, experienced, open-minded, and courageous leaders who have the capacity to govern.

At the Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan, we know that times of hardship do not last but strong institutions do and shape the future.

We continue our journey through proposing our 2024 calendar of activities while extending our hands to all those who share our convictions, from the private sector, civil society, and the international community, to help us safeguard State institutions, preserve their prestige and their public servants.


The Institut des Finances, center of excellence specialized in Public Financial Management and Governance, was founded in 1996, shortly after the end of the civil war, in cooperation with the French Government as a bilateral cooperation project to build capacities in public financial management and improve fiscal transparency in support of the rehabilitation and recovery of Lebanese public sector. 

It was granted the status of Public autonomous agency in 2003, enjoying financial and administrative autonomy, operating under the tutelage of the Lebanese Minister of Finance and audited by the court of Accounts. 

In 2006, it was renamed Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan in honor of the late Minister of Economy. 


The Institut des Finances leads and accompanies public finance reforms through policy research and advice, capacity development, coaching, advocacy and coalition building in:

  • public procurement

  • fiscal transparency

  • taxation, customs

  • land management, etc.

It also actively contributes to building financial literacy of youth and facilitating access to information. To that end, it operates a public library. 

It also provides technical assistance to countries of the MENA region and contributed to the creation of finance institutes in the region.

Beyond its national role, it is a platform for regional cooperation hosting the secretariat of the GIFT-MENA network of civil service training schools and the regional training center of the World Customs Organization (WCO).


Engaging with SDGs

SDG 4: Quality Education
We create opportunities for learning in Public Financial Management across Government.

SDG 5: Gender Equality
We empower women and promote gender mainstreaming in public sector.

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption & Production
We advocate for and promote good practices in sustainable public procurement.

SDG 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
We build national capacities to support effective, accountable and inclusive institutions.

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
We contribute to global platforms of knowledge and nurture partenrships.

Partners and Clients
The World Bank
Agence francaise de developpement logo
Agence Française de Développement AFD
Tor Vergata logo
Universita di Roma - Tor Vergata
Major Milestones

Many activities, events, visits, publications and trainings marked the history of the Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan among which the below. 


 نشر التقرير وموجز السياسات "تعزيز إدارة الاستثمار العام في لبنان - 2023" بالتعاون مع إنسايتس أناليتيكا ش.م.م 

Publication of the report and policy brief on "Strengthening Public Investment Management in Lebanon - 2023" in collaboration with Insight Analytica s.a.r.l


توقيع اتفاقية تعاون بين المديرية العامة للأمن العام و معهد باسل فليحان المالي والاقتصادي

Signature of a Memorandum of Understanding with the General Directorate of General Security


نشر تقييم لأثر الأزمة على مؤسسات الدولة اللبنانية 2021-2020

Publication of the Report "Rapid Impact Assessment of the Crisis on Lebanese State Institutions 2020-2021"


 العدد 74 والأخير من "حديث المالية" النشرة الداخلية لوزارة المالية من إعداد المعهد 

Last issue (no74) of "Hadith el Malia", the internal newsletter of the Ministry of Finance published by the Institut


إقرار قانون الشراء العام 2021/244

Voting of the Public Procurement Law 244/2021


نشر تقرير حول مساهمة الصناعات الثقافية والإبداعية في الاقتصاد اللبناني

Publication of a report on The Contribution of Cultural and Creative Industries to the Lebanese Economy 


نشر موجز السياسات بعنوان "الإنفاق على الحماية الاجتماعية في لبنان – تدقيق في نُظم 

الحماية الاجتماعية الممولة من الدولة"

Publication of a policy brief on "Social Protection Spending in Lebanon: A deep dive into State Financing of Social Protection"


إطلاق المسح  الدولي "مابس" لتقييم جودة مَنظومَة الشراء العام

Launching the assessment of Lebanon’s public procurement system using the Methodology for Assessing Procurement Systems (MAPSII).


توقيع اتفاقية تعاون بين المديرية العامة لقوى الامن الداخلي ومعهد باسل فليحان المالي والاقتصادي

Signature of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Internal Security Forces


 نشر أول عدد من "موازنة المواطنة والمواطن"

Publication of the first issue of the "Citizen Budget"


توقيع اتفاقية تعاون بين قيادة الجيش اللبناني ومعهد باسل فليحان المالي والاقتصادي

Signature of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Lebanese Armed Forces


 "إطلاق مجلة "السادسة

 المجلة العلمية الأولى في العالم العربي المتخصّصة بدراسات المال العام وتحديث الدولة

First issue of "Assadissa", IoF's bi-annual journal dedicated to public finance and state modernization.


إهداء المعهد إلى ذكرى الشهيد باسل فليحان

The Institut was renamed Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan in honor of the late Minister of Economy


إعطاء المعهد صفة المؤسسة في الهيكلية الإدارية الحكومية

The Institut was given the status of an autonomous Public Institution


تعيين رئيس لبناني للمعهد

First IoF Lebanese President 


إفتتاح المكتبة المالية

Inauguration of the Library of Finance

IOF in the News
لبنان بحاجة إلى نظام ضريبي جديد

يمرّ لبنان بسلسلة من الأزمات غير المسبوقة التي استنزفت موارده، وأدّت إلى انكماش اقتصادي يُعتبر الأكبر في تاريخه الحديث، أغرق نسبة كبيرة من المواطنين في فقر مدقع وعمّق الفوارق في المستويات الاجتماعية التي طالما اتّسمت بتفاوتٍ حاد يعود حتّى إلى ما قبل الأزمة الأخيرة، إذ فاق حينها دخل 10 % من السكان الذين يشكّلون الفئة الأغنى خمسة أضعاف دخل ال 50 % الذين يشكّلون النسبة الأفقر من المواطنين (Assouad, 2021) . 


مجلة الجيش

Lamia Moubayed Bissat, Sabine Hatem & Iskandar Boustany
Lebanon’s Mission to Transform Public Procurement

Promising practices for making procurement more efficient & fair, results-driven, equitable, and strategic are being tested all around the world. Recently, the Government Performance Lab had the opportunity to speak with procurement professionals in Lebanon about implementing the country's Public Procurement Law (PPL), ...


Harvard Kennedy School Government Performance Lab | Procurement Excellence Network

Alex Khoury & Damonique Sonnier
لجنة خبراء الأمم المتّحدة لشؤون الإدارة العامة اشادت بجهود معهد باسل فليحان لتعزيز شفافية الموازنة

بساط شاركت في دورتها الثالثة والعشرين وقدّمت ورقتين 


أشادت  لجنة خبراء الأمم المتّحدة المعنيّة بأمور الحوكمة والإدارة العامة (UN- CEPAخلال اجتماعاتها في مقر المنظمة الدولية في نيويوركأخيراً  بـ"العمل المبتكر القائم على البيانات" الذي نفذه معهد باسل فليحان المالي والاقتصادي ...

Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan
Next Legacy of Basil Fuleihan