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Background Impact Assessment
Crisis Impact Assessment
Impact of the Crisis on Lebanese State Institutions (2020-2021)
12:00 - 1:30 pm
Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan
Crisis management
إدارة الأزمات
Public administration
الإدارة العامة

As Lebanon’s multifold crisis has destroyed the livelihood of thousands of people and doubled poverty rates, a larger share of the population has become dependent on public services. This increased reliance on essential public services has strained under-resourced and frail public institutions and infrastructure to the breaking point.

To better understand the challenges faced by Lebanese state institutions and that are threatening their existence and the perennity of public service, the Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan, in partnership with UNICEF, has conducted a rapid assessment of the combined crisis impact on Lebanon’s state institutions with the aim to provide an evidence-based description of the public administration’s capacity to sustain public service provision to citizens and inform the design of policy response and identify targeted immediate actions that can support institutions in sustaining the delivery of vital services.

The roundtable discussions aimed to launch this impact assessement reform and discuss its findings and recommendations with the donors’ community and international organizations.

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This Workshop is part of

Presentation of main findings
Press coverage
Full Report - English
Summary report - English
Summary Report - Arabic
Snapshot - English
Snapshot - Arabic

Impact Assessement of the crisis on Lebanese public administrations and institutions (2020-2021)

This infographics presents the main results of the impact assessment survey conducted to identify targeted immediate actions needed by institutions to sustain their delivery of vital services on the short and medium term. 


Etat des lieux - Impact de la crise sur les administrations et institutions libanaises (2020-2021)

Ce film présente les principaux résultats de l’enquête menée auprès des administrations et institutions pour identifier les actions immédiates nécessaires pour maintenir leur prestation de services, essentielle aux citoyens, à court et moyen termes. 


تقييم أثر الأزمة على الإدارات والمؤسسات العامة اللبنانية (2020-2021) 

يقدم هذا الفيلم النتائج الرئيسية لتقييم أثر الأزمة على الإدارات والمؤسسات العامة اللبنانية الذي يهدف إلى تحديد الإجراءات والحاجات للحفاظ على تقديم الخدمات الأساسية للمواطنين، على المدىيين القصير والمتوسط. 

Ghassan Zeeny
Sabine Hatem
Sarah Hague
Ghassan Zeeny
Sabine Hatem
Sarah Hague
Partners and Clients

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