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Institut des Finances - 27 years serving Lebanon

Conférence de lancement: Publication de l'étude sur la contribution économique des industries culturelles et créatives

Persuadé que ces industries méritent d’être accompagnées par des politiques publiques adaptées à leur spécificité, leur réalité et besoins spécifiques, l’Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan s’est lancé dans une étude portant sur “La Contribution Economique des Industries Culturelles et Créatives Au Liban”.


Digitizing Public Procurement & the Power of Open Data: Towards a strategic vision for Lebanon

The Public Procurement Law no. 244/2021 created the foundation for a gradual transformation of PP into a digitized process. IoF, in partnership with WFD, the World Bank, and the Central Tender Board, organized this workshop that brought together key reform stakeholders from the public sector, private sector, civil society & representatives of international partners to: 1) get introduced to the strategic vision for digitized procurement & open data, 2) engage in a discussion on best scenarios in light of international standards & good practices. 



IoF_Talk with Arthur Germond

To know about the Agence Française de Développement new strategy, its priority areas, coordination mechanisms, partners and beneficiaries in Lebanon watch this IoF_Talk with Arthur Germond - AFD Country Director.


IOF Talks - Fiscal Responses in Times of crisis

Lebanon is facing the worst economic and financial crisis of its recent history, driven by major macro-fiscal and financial imbalances. Currency deprecation, hyperinflation, depletion of foreign currency reserves, banking sector impairment and twin deficits continue to hamper prospects for economic recovery. - What are the experiences and good practices of countries that have faced comparable challenges? - How Public Financial Management systems and instruments such as assessments, fiscal rules, budgeting, and others, can play a role in mitigating and later exiting the crisis and pave a sustainable way forward? Natalie Jaresko, Former Ukraine's Minister of Finance and Yomna Akram Khattab, Former Deputy Minister of Finance for Fiscal Policies in Egypt share their respective countries, experiences in responding to financial crisis and tackle with Alia Moubayed the role of PFM systems and instruments in mitigating and exiting crisis.

Lebanon is facing the worst economic and financial crisis of its recent history, driven by major macro-fiscal and financial imbalances. Currency deprecation, hyperinflation, depletion of foreign currency reserves, banking sector impairment and twin deficits continue to hamper prospects for economic recovery. - What are the experiences and good practices of countries that have faced comparable challenges? - How Public Financial Management systems and instruments such as assessments, fiscal rules, budgeting, and others, can play a role in mitigating and later exiting the crisis and pave a sustainable way forward? Natalie Jaresko, Former Ukraine's Minister of Finance and Yomna Akram Khattab, Former Deputy Minister of Finance for Fiscal Policies in Egypt share their respective countries, experiences in responding to financial crisis and tackle with Alia Moubayed the role of PFM systems and instruments in mitigating and exiting crisis.
Lebanon is facing the worst economic and financial crisis of its recent history, driven by major macro-fiscal and financial imbalances. Currency deprecation, hyperinflation, depletion of foreign currency reserves, banking sector impairment and twin deficits continue to hamper prospects for economic recovery. - What are the experiences and good practices of countries that have faced comparable challenges? - How Public Financial Management systems and instruments such as assessments, fiscal rules, budgeting, and others, can play a role in mitigating and later exiting the crisis and pave a sustainable way forward? Natalie Jaresko, Former Ukraine's Minister of Finance and Yomna Akram Khattab, Former Deputy Minister of Finance for Fiscal Policies in Egypt share their respective countries, experiences in responding to financial crisis and tackle with Alia Moubayed the role of PFM systems and instruments in mitigating and exiting crisis.
Lebanon is facing the worst economic and financial crisis of its recent history, driven by major macro-fiscal and financial imbalances. Currency deprecation, hyperinflation, depletion of foreign currency reserves, banking sector impairment and twin deficits continue to hamper prospects for economic recovery. - What are the experiences and good practices of countries that have faced comparable challenges? - How Public Financial Management systems and instruments such as assessments, fiscal rules, budgeting, and others, can play a role in mitigating and later exiting the crisis and pave a sustainable way forward? Natalie Jaresko, Former Ukraine's Minister of Finance and Yomna Akram Khattab, Former Deputy Minister of Finance for Fiscal Policies in Egypt share their respective countries, experiences in responding to financial crisis and tackle with Alia Moubayed the role of PFM systems and instruments in mitigating and exiting crisis.
Lebanon is facing the worst economic and financial crisis of its recent history, driven by major macro-fiscal and financial imbalance: what are the experiences and good practices of countries that have faced comparable challenges and how PFM systems and instruments can play a role in mitigating and later exiting the crisis and pave a sustainable way forward? 
Natalie Jaresko, Former Ukraine's Minister of Finance and Yomna Akram Khattab, Former Deputy Minister of Finance for Fiscal Policies in Egypt with Alia Moubayed answer these questions.

Lessons Learnt from the Public Procurement Legislative Process in Lebanon and the Way Forward to Sound Reform Implementation

An eye opener for Lebanon’s policy choices, this hybrid discussion featured key international support and policy-oriented initiatives and mechanisms supporting developing countries towards achieving better procurement value and transparent data-driven processes, while shedding light on ingredients of success towards better economic and societal outcomes

Awareness Series

Public Procurement Law - Episode 1 - Why reforming Public Procurement in Lebanon : Why is it essential to reform the public procurement system and what are the lessons learnt from the world ?

قانون الشراء العام - الجزء 1 - لماذا إصلاح الشراء العام في لبنان :  لماذا من الضروري إصلاح منظومة الشراء العام وما هي التجارب الناجحة من العالم ؟


قانون الشراء العام - اسئلة وأجوبة : قواعد السلوك - حلقة 3

ما هي قواعد السلوك في قانون الشراء العام ؟ 

برنامج الجندي، من إعداد مديرية التوجيه في الجيش اللبناني بالتعاون مع معهد باسل فليحان المالي والاقتصادي.

قانون الشراء العام - اسئلة وأجوبة : القيمة التقديرية - حلقة 2

ما معنى القيمة التقديرية لمشروع الشراء وكيف يتم تحديدها؟

برنامج الجندي، من إعداد مديرية التوجيه في الجيش اللبناني بالتعاون مع معهد باسل فليحان المالي والاقتصادي.

قانون الشراء العام - اسئلة وأجوبة : التنمية المستدامة - حلقة 1

كيف يراعي قانون الشراء العام التنمية المستدامة بأبعادها الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والبيئية ؟

برنامج الجندي، من إعداد مديرية التوجيه في الجيش اللبناني بالتعاون مع معهد باسل فليحان المالي والاقتصادي.

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