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Training Program
9:30 am-2:30 pm
Different Lebanese regions
Training Program
9:00 am-12:00 pm
Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan
Training Program
9:00 am-2:00 pm
Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan
Training Program
10:00 am-2:30 pm
Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan
Training Program
10:00 am-1:00 pm
Training Program
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan
Training cover
Diligent PFM Practices and Performant
Public Service for Good Governance
Advisory Services cover
Harnessing the Potential of
Advisory Services
buidling networks cover
Forging Connections,
Building Opportunities
E- Learning Platform
Elevate Your Skills with our Cutting-Edge E-Learning Programs
Join a vibrant community of learners and passionate instructors who are dedicated to fostering a culture of knowledge sharing and growth.

Ghada Eliane Khachan

Collège de la Sagesse - Brazilia

La Dictée des Finances a été une excellente occasion pour nos jeunes de se sensibiliser aux enjeux financiers de manière ludique, tout en développant leur esprit critique et leur sens de la responsabilité citoyenne.

Tulay Ghandour

Student - Trainee

Working at the Institut has expanded my knowledge to broader ranges. My sense of responsibility, efficiency and time management, to name the least, have definitely improved during my time here. Summer, 2015

Katarina Ott

Senior Research Advisor at the Institute of Public Finance - Zagreb

Sincere congratulations from authors of numerous citizens budget guides who are really admiring and appreciating not only the job done, but done in three  languages! Congratulations indeed. Sept, 2019

Rita Chalak

Electricité de Kadicha

شكرا لجهود مدربي دورة "مهارات بناء استراتيجيات وسياسات وطنية قائمة على اقتصاد المعرفة " والشكر لمعهد باسل فليحان الذي بؤمن دورات معرفية بوقت المؤسسات مشلولة او غير مهتمة بتدريب الكادر العامل

Cynthia Haddad Abou Khater

Partner & Strategy Manager of Technica International

It is listening to and meeting great people like the amazing ladies we had yesterday that gives me the oxygen and energy to keep moving forward. March, 2023

Karim Daher

Avocat & Fondateur de l'Association Libanaise pour les Droits et l'Information des Contribuables - ALDIC

Au milieu d’une mer très agitée et d’embarcations en perdition nous avons toujours besoin d’une terre ferme pour donner l’espoir et l’exemple. L’Institut représente aujourd’hui pour beaucoup cette « terre » … tout au moins au niveau des institutions et de la bonne gouvernance. Mar, 2023

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