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Crisis Impact Assessment
Rapid Assessment of the Impact of the Crisis on Lebanese Public Administrations
December 2021 - June 2023
Project Details
Crisis management
إدارة الأزمات

In 2021, the IOF conducted a diagnostic assessment to evaluate the impact of Lebanon's multifaceted crisis on public administration and its ability to maintain essential services for citizens. 

The assessment aimed to provide policymakers, the media, and the donor community with a clear understanding of the challenges facing public administration and to highlight its concerns about sustaining its mission of public service delivery. The findings and results were presented and discussed through a series of consultative dialogue sessions designed to raise awareness and foster discussion on budget transparency and accountability.

This project is part of the "Enhancing Budget Transparency, Accountability and Inclusiveness in Lebanon" project conducted with Unicef.

Presentation of Key Findings - Summary - Arabic
Summary Report - English
Snapshop of the report - English
Summary Report - Arabic
Snapshot of the report - Arabic - لمحة عن التقرير
Focus Group - Water and Energy Sector- Main quantitative results
Focus Group - Agriculture Sector - Main quantitative results
Focus Group - Health Sector-Main quantitative results

Etat des lieux - Impact de la crise sur les administrations et institutions libanaises (2020-2021)

Ce film présente les principaux résultats de l’enquête menée auprès des administrations et institutions pour identifier les actions immédiates nécessaires pour maintenir leur prestation de services, essentielle aux citoyens, à court et moyen termes. 


"Defying the Crisis" - في مواجهة الأزمة

This movie conveys the impact of the degradation of public services on people's lives and the risks of reversing development gains of the past decade & presents a summary of the series of short interviews "Defying the Crisis" transmitting the voice of senior officials in the front lines of service delivery and their daily struggle.


Defying the Crisis - في مواجهة الأزمة: Lamia Moubayed Bissat, President, Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan

لمياء المبيض بساط، رئيسة معهد باسل فليحان المالي والاقتصادي، تحدثنا عن سبل حماية المؤسسات العامة من الانهيار والحلول الممكنة لتمرير المرحلة الراهنة.والأسس التي يمكن بناء دولة المستقبل عليها.

تهدف سلسلة المقابلات "في مواجهة الأزمة" إلى نقل صوت المسؤولين المعنيين مباشرة بتقديم الخدمات العامة للمواطنين ونضالهم اليومي للإستمرار بمهامهم والحفاظ على الخدمة العامة في ظلّ الاضطرابات المتزايدة وشحّ الموارد وخسارة الكفايات وزيادة الفساد.

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