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Fadia Kiwan
  • Professor
  • at Lebanon

Dr. Fadia Kiwan is the founder and former director of the Institute of Political Science at Université Saint-Joseph where she is still a professor of Political Science. She is also a visiting professor at several universities, including France, Italy, Spain, Egypt and Tunisia.

She holds a “Doctorat d’état” in Comparative Politics from the University Paris I - Sorbonne and a CAPES in Philosophy and Psychology from the Lebanese University.

Researcher and consultant with different Arab and International organizations, she is a representative of the President of the Republic General Michel Aoun in the “Conseil Permanent de la Francophonie", member of the United Nations University Council from 2007 to 2013, president of the scientific committee of MOST at Unesco HQ, member of the Executive board of the NCLW and former representative of Lebanon in the executive board of the Arab Women Organization.

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