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Mohamad Moubdi
Mohamad Moubdi
  • Minister of Civil Service and Administrative Reform
  • at Morocco

H.E. Mr. Mohamad Moubdi was the Minister of civil Service and Administrative Reform in Morocco.

He served as Secretary General of the Center for Development of Renewable Energies, and is a founding member of the International Program for the Control of Energy in the Arab Maghreb and the Middle East.

He was elected Member of Parliament and served as Head of the Social and Islamic Affairs’ committees, Head of the municipal council of the city of al-Faqih Bin Saleh, Head of the Interior, Decentralization and Infrastructure and the productive sectors’ committees.

He contributed to several studies, social and economic projects and is a founding member of the ministerial committee in charge of overseeing the rural electricity programs and Vice-President of Studies and Research on renewable energy and the environment.

He graduated from the Higher National School for Industrial and Mineral Technologies in France.

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