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Najat Khattar Aoun Saliba picture
Najat Khattar Aoun Saliba
  • Member of Parliament

Najat Khattar Aoun is deputy of the caza of Chouf in the Lebanese parliament.

Since 2004, she occupied multiple renowned positions:
- Head of the Committee of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, head of the Research Committee of the Environmental Protection Center at the American University of Beirut; Head of the Faculty of Chemistry; team leader on the solid waste management crisis;
- Director of the research unit of the National Council for Scientific Research CRNS on air quality;
- Director of the Center for Nature Conservation at the American University of Beirut AUB NCC; 
- Member of the jury for the L’Oreal competition on the role of women in science; 
- Member of the council of several scientific journals; 
- Co-executive director of the grassroots initiative “Khaddit Beirut”; 
- Director and co-founder of the Environment Academy; 
- Head of the Technical Advisory Group for the WHO Platform on Total Air Quality and Health ; 
- Member of the Scientific Council of the World Basic Sciences program at UNESCO;

She has received several prizes, including the prize for the best woman of science in Africa and the Middle East by L’Oreal and UNESCO, the National Council for Scientific Research Prize, the annual award for excellence in environmental research. She was also awarded the Cedar Medal of Honor by the President of the Lebanese Republic and the Speaker of the Parliament of Lebanon.

Najat Khattar Aoun was nominated by the BBC as one of the 100 most influential people of the year, and by Apolitical as one of the 100 most influential people on gender politics, as well as one of the 12 most influential people on climate justice.

She has been an environmental protection activist for several years and co-created the "Taquaddom" party, whose principles are: progressiveness, democracy, the intersection of rights, social justice and its values of responsible citizenship, equality, transparency, environmental awareness, and pacifism.

She has been instrumental in advising many regulators/governments around the world on policy development related to improving indoor and outdoor air quality, through her publications, and international meetings with global organizations such as the WHO, the UNESCO, and the IPCC.

She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the Lebanese University, a Master's degree in Analytical Chemistry from the University of California, and a PHD in Physical Sciences from the University of South California.

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