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Sabine Hatem
  • Chief Economist - Director of partnerships - Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan

Sabine Hatem Khalil is the Chief Economist and Director of Cooperation and Partnerships at the Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan. 

She’s the lead adviser and analyst on Public Financial Management policies and reforms, in particular in Budgeting and Fiscal Transparency including Open Data and Budget Spending Reviews; Public Investment Management; Financial Surveillance of State-Owned Enterprises; and Social Spending.

She cumulates more than 15 years of multidisciplinary experience working with governments and the international community, providing advisory services on PFM reform design and implementation, with a focus on policies, governance and capacity development, and a good understanding of political economy issues. She also specializes in cooperation development, notably in post-conflict and fragile contexts, in Lebanon and the Middle East and North Africa. 

She is the author of several reports and policy briefs on budget issues, public procurement, fiscal transparency, and public investment management. 

She holds a masters in economics from Université Saint-Joseph in Beirut, 

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