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Fiscal Transparency
Fiscal Transparency amplified through the media
November 2023 - December 2024
Project Details
Government budget
الموازنة العامة
Economic and financial education
ثقافة اقتصادية ومالية

Maharat enlisted the Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan to offer technical assistance and capacity building for Lebanese journalists in fiscal transparency. 

The IoF trained two cohorts of journalists on the entire budget cycle -from planning to audit- highlighting its connections to policymaking, identifying gaps in fiscal transparency, and outlining journalists' roles in addressing these issues. 

Additionally, the IOF provided technical assistance and mentorship through the help desk established by Maharat to support journalists and contributed to the creation of periodic media alerts.


Budget Transparency Film  - تعزيز الشفافية المالية

It will take over a generation for countries to reach even moderate levels of budget transparency, the average score for the 117 countries included in the OBS2019 being 45/100, much below the required average of 60/100. 

Learn more about budget transparency and why it is important for Lebanon that scored only 6/100. Collective action is needed now more than ever.

Partners and Clients
Maharat Foundation logo
Maharat Foundation
MEPI logo
US Embassy - Middle East PArtnership Initiative - MEPI

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