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Public Investment Management
Institutionalizing Public Investment Management in Lebanon
May 2022 - September 2023
Project Details

Mandated by the Ministry of Finance, the IOF conducted a diagnostic review of Lebanon's Public Investment Management (PIM) framework. 

This review identified key weaknesses and shortcomings, and analyzed potential options for formalizing a PIM legal and regulatory framework to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of recovery and reconstruction funding.

The outputs included:
1. A mandate and role for a potential PIM unit and related institutional arrangements
2. An action plan involving all relevant stakeholders to support the reform, promote ownership, and ensure successful implementation.

تعزيز إدارة الاستثمار العام في لبنان - موجز السياسات

يعرض موجز السياسات هذا لأبرز أوجه القصور في إدارة الاستثمارات العامة في لبنان، ويقترح أطر مؤسسيّة حديثة تتلاءم مع الواقع اللبناني.


Strengthening Public Investment Management in Lebanon - Policy Brief

This Policy Brief describes the status and challenges of Public Investment Management in Lebanon.

Strengthening Public Investment Management in Lebanon

The present report provides a quick summary of the main shortcomings of Public Investment Management in Lebanon.

Partners and Clients
The World Bank
Ministry of Finance - وزارة المالية اللبنانية
Insights Analytica

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