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State Owned Enterprises
Surveillance of State Owned Enterprises - SOEs
March 2021 - February 2022
Project Details
State Owned Enterprises – SOEs
المؤسسات العامة الاستثمارية

The Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan (IOF) organized, in collaboration with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Middle East Technical Assistance Center (METAC), an online training course on the "Surveillance of SOEs.

The training aimed to further strengthen the capability of Lebanese officials with respect to the surveillance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs). It covered:

  • a refresher on the State-owned Enterprise (SOE) Health Check Tool (an Excel based tool developed by the Fiscal Affairs Department (FAD) of the IMF to analyze the financial health of SOEs and associated fiscal risks); 
  • international guidelines and good practice examples for reporting on SOEs; 
  • the development of a financial reporting template to enable the Ministry of Finance to collect the necessary data for undertaking an analysis of the SOE sector, based on the SOE Health Check Tool; 
  • and the updating of a roadmap to improve surveillance of SOEs in Lebanon. 
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Middle East Technical Assistance Center of the IMF - METAC

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