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JIDE BEGDACHE BACHA Communication Consultant

Jide Begdache Bacha started her activities as a communication consultant for the Institut with Irada Baladiya Project in 2016 after a 9-year absence from Lebanon. 

She has worked on several reform projects namely the introduction of Value Added Tax in Lebanon and the Deduction at source on salaries as a member of UNDP team of the Lebanese Ministry of Finance, and Public Procurement reform at the Institut.

She works on communication projects with international organizations such as UNICEF, The World Bank and Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) for the Institut and oversees its communication activities that she handles with a continuous quest for details and excellence.

Jide holds a master's degree from Université Paris IX – Dauphine, France and an MBA from ESCP-ESSEC and ESA Lebanon. 

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