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Procurement for prosperity
Public Procurement
Procurement for Prosperity: Lebanon's path towards efficiency, social value and transparency
11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Public procurement
شراء عام

On the occasion of ‘Social Outcomes Conference 2021’ organized by the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University, United Kingdom, the Institute shared Lebanon’s experience in reforming public procurement.

The intervention entitled ‘Procurement for Prosperity: Lebanon’s path towards efficiency, social value and transparency’ highlighted the key steps, principles, and consultative approach of the policy process that led to the voting of a modern and unified Public Procurement Law in line with international standards and guidelines, and stressed on the importance of sustaining political momentum and making available implementation tools for a sound entry into force of the law, in collaboration with national stakeholders and with the support of international partners.

Representatives of the UNCITRAL, the Open Contracting partnership, as well as other renown speakers at the roundtable “Transforming public procurement” congratulated Lebanon on this important milestone, and commended the experience as a recommended example featuring the best approach for reforming public procurement.

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Presentation: Procurement for Prosperity: Lebanon's path toward efficiency, social value and transparency

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