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Public Procurement
Challenges of Implementing Public Procurement Law & the Path to Capacity Development towards Professionalisation
9:30 am-1:00 pm
Gefinor Rotana Hotel, Clemenceau-Beirut
Public procurement
Capacity building
شراء عام
بناء القدرات

Following the implementation of the “Technical Support to Capacity Building of Stakeholders on Public Procurement in Lebanon” project, the Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan and the Knowledge Development Company (KDC), in partnership with the World Bank, organized the Forum entitled “Challenges of Implementing Public Procurement Law 244/2021 and the Path to Capacity Development towards Professionalization” to:

  • Present the main outputs of the Project “Lebanon-Public Procurement Reform support to Capacity Building”;
  • Shed light on the challenges facing the proper implementation of Public Procurement Law 244/2021;
  • Discuss Public Procurement Professionalization path in Lebanon and training needs across public sector, in light of lessons learnt from international practices.
Targeted to:
Related project

This Workshop is part of

Report on Public Procurement Training Needs Assessment - English
Agenda - Arabic
Agenda - English
Opening session: Presentation of Project Outcomes - Jean Dib Hajj, Knowledge Development Co.
Opening session: Presentation of Project Outcomes - Lina Fares, The World bank
Session 1: Presentation of the survey results on the status of Law implementation & related challenges by Ms. Rana Rizkallah Fares, IoF
Session 1: Challenges facing the proper implementation of PPL - Kamal Hayek, EDL
Session 2 : Presentation of the survey results on capacity development & training needs - Ms. Suzane Abou Chacra, IoF
Session 2: Capacity development in public procurement towards professionalization - Wassim Mounzer, General Security
Session 2: Capacity development in public procurement towards professionalization - Lina Tutunji, The World Bank

يهدف هذا الوثائقي إلى عرض مسار لإصلاح منظومة الشراء العام بين عامي 2018 و2024.


المنتدى حول "تحديات تطبيق قانون الشراء العام 244/2021 ومسار تنمية القدرات نحو التخصص"

يهدف هذا المنتدى إلى عرض مخرجات والنتائج التي حققها مشروع "دعم بناء قدرات الشركاء في لبنان في الشراء العام" ، والتحديات التي تواجه التنفيذ السليم لقانون الشراء العام رقم 244 / 2021 وأهمية تنمية قدرات العاملين في الشراء العام

This Forum on “Challenges of Implementing Public Procurement Law 244/2021 and the Path to Capacity Development towards Professionalization” aims at presenting the main outputs of the Project “Lebanon-Public Procurement Reform support to Capacity Building”, the challenges facing the proper implementation of PP Law 244/2021 and the importance of PP Professionalization path in Lebanon.

Partners and Clients
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Knowledge Development Company
The World Bank

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