The World Bank Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) positions the MENA region as one of the poorest performing regions across the world in terms of governance, ranking consistently lower than East Asia & Pacific, Europe & Central Asia, and Latin America & Caribbean.
This governance gap puts forth pressing questions about the fundamental qualities and capacities of governments “to govern”, but also to foresee future trends and steer sustainable development, in line with the 2030 Agenda. The data reports and fact sheets below provide access to organized data on several components of governance in a selection of Arab countries and aim to improve the general understanding on governance issues facing the Arab world and to encourage evidence-based policy dialogue. They report on 10 broad dimensions of governance notably: Financial resources, Aids and donations, Human Resources, Political, Institutional, Economic, Budget processes, Procurement processes, HR processes, Business environment, Access to services, Equity, Refugees per capita and Global peace index. They also include 46 indicators targeting specific dimensions of governance. The indicators were obtained from different data sources, notably from a number of multilateral development organizations to allow for comparison, and from national data sets when data from international sources are not available.
- Lebanon Country Profile-Government Apparatus-2019
- Lebanon Country Profile-Inputs-2019
- Lebanon Country Profile-Outputs-2019
- Egypt Country Profile-Government Apparatus-2019
- Egypt Country Profile-Inputs-2019
- Egypt Country Profile-Outputs-2019
- Iraq Country Profile-Government Apparatus-2019
- Iraq Country Profile-Inputs-2019
- Iraq Country Profile-Outputs-2019
- Jordan Country Profile-Government Apparatus-2019
- Jordan Country Profile-Inputs-2019
- Jordan Country Profile-Outputs-2019
- Saudi Arabia Country Profile-Government Apparatus-2019
- Saudi Arabia Country Profile-Inputs-2019
- Saudi Arabia Country Profile-Outputs-2019