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TOPICLearning Techniques

Lifelong learning and skills development are essential for staying abreast of good practices and emerging trends and for one’s personal and professional development. Our programs rely on a variety of adult-learning methods such as hands-on and tailored workshops, certifications, online courses, and coaching to empower our beneficiaries along their learning journey. 

Training Program
Online & Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan
9:00 am-2:00 pm
Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan
Training Program
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Fouad Chehab Academy for Command and General Staff
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Policy Brief
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اتفاق تعاون بين الأمن العام والمعهد المالي واالقتصادي
اللواء إبراهيم: نسعى إلى بناء الوطن القويخطوة تلو خطوة، تنتقل المديرية العامة للأمن العام نحو خطة تحديثها وتطويرها على كل المستويات. تأتي هذه الخطوات في اطار تنفيذ الخطط الاسرتاتيجية للأمن العام، بهدف تقديم افضل الخدمات النموذجية التي تدخل في صلب…

مجلة الأمن العام عدد 69

نفتقد إلى دينامية القرار ورؤية طويلة الأجل
المعهد المالي حدّث أطر التوظيف وإدارة الطاقاتيرتكز دور معهد باسل فليحان المالي والاقتصادي على تطوير القدرات في الإدارة المالية الحكومية، إعداد الخبراء وربط التدريب بالمسار الوظيفي...

مجلة الأمن العام عدد 46

Issam Chalhoub
Lamia Moubayed Bissat au service de la fonction publique
Depuis 2000, Lamia Moubayed Bissat dirige l'Institut des Finances basil Fuleihan, le centre de documentation et de formation du ministère des finances. Sa mission: renforcer les competences des agents de la fonction publique afin de mieux servir le…

Le Commerce du Levant No 5677

Mélanie Razzouk
تنسيق وتعاون في سبيل تطوير القدرات
الجيش اللبناني ومعهد باسل فليحانيعود التعاون القائم بين الجيش اللبناني ومعهد باسل فليحان النالي والاقتصادي إلى نحو عشر سنوات وقد كانت له ثمار طيبة على مستوى الجانبين، كما على مستوى المصلحة العامة. ...

مجلة الجيش عدد 271

Jeanne d'Arc Abi Yaghi
إتفاق تعاون بين الجيش ومعهد باسل فليحان
وقّع في مكتب وزير المال علي حسن خليل، اتفاق تعاون بين قيادة الجيش ومعهد باسل فليحان المالي والاقتصادي التابع لوزارة المال وتولّى التوقيع عن قيادة الجيش نائب رئيس الأركان للعمليات العميد الركن محمد جانبيه، وعن المعهد رئيسته لمياء المبيّض بساط…

مجلة الجيش عدد 368

Nina Akl Khalil
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Industry Topics
Leadership & Change Management
Supporting people and institutions in envisioning, designing, and implementing policy reforms is essential for state modernization. We focus on developing key skills and competencies, such as…
Public Private Partnerships picture
Public Private Partnerships
When well regulated, Public Private Partnerships can emerge as a powerful mechanism for driving innovation, efficiency, and sustainability in the delivery of public services, infrastructure, and…
State-Owned Enterprises
State Owned Enterprises
State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in the Lebanese public sector are poorly defined and plagued by inefficiency, low productivity, and a lack of innovation. The government faces significant financial and…
Cadastre & Land Management
Sound management of land and cadastre affairs holds substantial potential for economic and social development. It can significantly boost state revenues associated with land activities and improve…
Social Protection
In the midst of the crisis that hit Lebanon in 2019, vulnerability and poverty among the population significantly increased. In response, the Government has approved a new Pensions Law in…
Public budgets serve as a blueprint that guides how governments collect and allocate resources to meet the needs of their citizens. At its core, effective public budgeting ensures transparency and…
Economic development
Economic Development
Understanding the financial and economic system is central to our mission, alongside raising awareness of state institution management and public policies. We enhance the capacity of civil servants…
Learning techniques picture
Learning Techniques
Lifelong learning and skills development are essential for staying abreast of good practices and emerging trends and for one’s personal and professional development. Our programs rely on a variety of…
Fiscal Transparency
Fiscal Transparency
In Lebanon, enhancing financial transparency has become essential to securing international support for funding and investment. While the government must take action to improve transparency, citizens…
Customs play a crucial role in fostering national growth and nations well-being. Strategic customs procedures and policies help safeguard revenues, protect the state's fiscal interests, and boost…
Crisis Impact Assessment
Crisis Impact Assessment
The multifaceted crisis has had and continues to have significant impacts on the Lebanese public sector, affecting its ability to sustain service provision to citizens. Planning, budgeting, public…
Lebanon's tax system has long been plagued by inequalities with adverse effects on fiscal sustainability and economic activity. Modernizing the tax system is crucial for building a fair and…

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