The Ministry of Finance committed to procurement reform, giving a strong signal of trust to both the private sector and the donor community. The Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan was mandated by the Minister of Finance as National Focal Point for this exercise (decision 109/1 of 04/03/2019, decision 199/1 of 09/06/2020 and decision 620/1 of 02/11/2021) and collaborates with 14 institutions as part of a transformation process based on four pillars:
1. An evidence-based diagnostic of the public procurement system (Methodology for Assessing Procurement Systems) was completed in 2020.
2. A new public procurement law 244/2021, in line with UNCITRAL Model Law (2011) and OECD Guidelines (2016) was drafted in 2019. The Law was voted by the General Assembly on July 19, 2021 then published in Official Gazette on July 29, 2021.
3. A public procurement reform strategy and action plan 2022-2024 was elaborated based on MAPS assessment recommendations, PPL 244 provisions and consultations with concerned stakeholders. The Council of Ministers approved the strategy on May 20, 2022.
Public Procurement Law - Episode 5 - Towards promoting transparency, integrity & accountability: how does the new public procurement law facilitate the control of procurement?