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Financial Literacy
Financial Literacy for Youth - مالك ... و ما عليك
Since 2004
Project Details
Economic and financial education
ثقافة اقتصادية ومالية
Government budget
الموازنة العامة
ضرائب ورسوم
Since 2004, and driven by the conviction that youth play an important role in building a better future, the Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan has multiplied its efforts and initiatives to enhance financial and economic literacy in Lebanon.
Malouka wa ma Alayka (Your rights... and your obligations) is a program designed to offer university students the opportunity to learn about complex financial concepts such as the public budget, public financial management, public expenditure, public debt, taxes and others, and introduce them to the financial and economic challenges facing the country.
Additionally, students have the opportunity to visit the Ministry of Finance and get introduced to its mission and tasks. These initiatives aim at promoting transparency and fiscal citizenship, providing them with firsthand exposure to public finance operations.
The program also aims to equip students with essential skills for managing personal and public finances, to raise awarness about their rights and obligations and encourage their participation in civic life. To date, more than 3,000 students, from 35 universities, schools and institutes have benefited from these workshops.
Workshops are organized throughout the year. 
Students can also access our interactive e-platform to learn about these concepts and more. 

مالًك ... و ما عليك - Brochure
Jeunesse web3.pdf (422.3 KB)
Sample agenda - Arabic

Interview Dr. Ghada Ayoub - Lebanese University - Faculty of Law and Political and Administrative Sciences

الدكتورة غادة أيوب، أستاذة محاضرة في الجامعة اللبنانية، كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية والادارية تحدثنا عن أهمية برنامج "الشباب يتعرّف على وزارة المالية" من ناحية تعزيز الشفافية لدى الطلاب وعن تجاوبهم.


Partners and Clients
Financially Wise
Ministry of Finance - وزارة المالية اللبنانية

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