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Financial Literacy
Financial literacy tools development
2003 to date
Project Details
Economic and financial education
ثقافة اقتصادية ومالية
ضرائب ورسوم
Public financial management
إدارة المال العام
Learning & Development
التعلم والتطوير

The Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan is dedicated to enhancing financial and economic literacy among the Lebanese population. It seeks to improve access to financial information, particularly concerning citizens' rights and obligations toward public tax administrations. In this context, and in collaboration with local and regional stakeholders, the Institute has developed a range of tools over the years, including booklets, guides, and interactive games, aimed at fostering economic and financial literacy among students, teachers, and overall citizens engaged in various tax procedures.

Among the tools developed by the Institute:

  • Fiscal and Financial Awareness Guide: This series consists of nine guides designed to inform citizens about their rights and obligations regarding various tax procedures, including wage and salary taxation, inheritance tax, built-property tax, and more.
  • Citizen Budget : The Citizen Budget tool allows both citizens and experts to familiarize themselves with the general budget law, enabling them to read and analyze expenditure and revenue figures, along with other policy decisions included in the budget that directly impact their lives. An interactive dashboard was developed in collaboration of the Budget Directorate at the Ministry of Finance, providing an overview of public revenue and spending data, while shedding the light on fiscal deficits. 
  • Booklets and infographics: These products aim to demystify the relationship between citizens and the state, as well as between citizens and money, while presenting key principles of public finance in an accessible manner.
  • Gamification: Educational and pedagogical games targeted to youth and economic teachers aim at enhancing economic and financial literacy of youth, but also to aid teachers in communicating the information to students. 
    • "Game of Flous": an interactive game based on the "Why Do We Pay Taxes?" booklet, designed to make the budget preparation process engaging and fun.
    • "Big Bank Challenge": an educational game explaining banking services and products, developed in cooperation with Financially Wise (FiWi) and Fransabank.  
  • Micro-learning platform: this online learning tool based on the "Why Do We Pay Taxes?" booklet and aims to explain public financial concepts through an electonic platform. Check it out.
  • Malouka wa ma Alayka program: click here to know more about this financial literacy program targeted to youth 

To this day, over 32,000 tools, ranging from guides, reports and games have been distributed across schools, universities, youth clubs, and through conferences, meetings, and book fairs, receiving positive feedback for their interactive and engaging approach, and their effectiveness in fostering a deeper understanding of financial concepts.

Why do we pay taxes? - ليش مندفع ضرايب؟

This booklet presents the most important principles of public finance through an illustrative dialogue: public money, debt...

Guide to inheritance tax - دليل المواطنة و المواطن الى رسم الانتقال و اجراءته

This guide provides citizens with a detailed explanation of the procedures and steps they must follow to settle inheritance taxes.

Income tax guide for self-employed professionals - دليل ضريبة الدخل لأصحاب المهن الحرّة

This guide describes all steps to be followed upon commencement of work, book keeping, tax assessment, declarations and settlements.

Public servants' guide to end of service rights and obligations - دليل الموظف إلى حقوقه وواجباته بعد انتهاء خدمته

This guide explains retirees rights & obligations, offering instructions on the procedures to follow and the required documentation.

Guide to Built property tax - دليل المواطن إلى ضريبة الأملاك المبنية

This guide explains to property owners and investors the key aspects of property tax: tax calculation, filing requirements, exemptions ...

Guide to Stamp duties - ما يجب أن يعرفه المواطن عن رسم الطابع المالي

This guide offers a comprehensive overview of stamp duties applicable to documents & contracts : types of duties, calculation, payment methos...

Stamp duties.pdf (1.13 MB)
Guide to starting a company - دليلك لتسجيل مباشرة عمل في وزارة المالية

This guide explains the rights & obligations of individuals or entities seeking to establish a business or freelance profession, and their declaration process.

Citizen Guide to objections and appeals - حقّك في الاعتراض

This guide outlines the taxpayers process to object and appeal amounts assessed by the tax administration.

Your guide to tax on wages and salaries- دليلك إلى ضريبة الدخل على الرواتب والأجور

This guide presents the categories of taxpayers subject to taxes on wages and salaries and their rights and obligations.

Guide to tax & custom duties exemptions on environmental friendly activities - دليلك إلى الإستفادة من التخفيضات الضريبية والجمركية على النشاطات المفيدة للبيئة

This guide presents the tax and customs reductions available for environmentally friendly equipment & activities, and the conditions and criteria for eligibility.

Citizen Budget 2024 - English
2024 موازنةالمواطنة و المواطن - Arabic
Citizen Budget Pamphlet 2024 - English

Summary of the Citizen Budget 2024 - English

منشور موازنة المواطنة و المواطن 2024 - Arabic

ملخص لموازنة المواطنة و المواطن 2024

Executive Budget Proposal 2023-2024 - English

Budget Proposal for 2023-2024 as drawn up by the Government and submitted for review to the Parliament.

موازنة المواطنة و المواطن - مشروع موازنة 2023-2024

.مشروع الموازنة للسنة 2023-2024 كما أعدته الحكومة وقدمته للمراجعة إلى مجلس النواب

ليش مندفع ضرايب؟  حلقة 5 - البلديات

ماذا يعني المال العام؟ ما هي مهمات الدولة؟ على ماذا تصرف الدولة؟ من أين تأتي بالمال؟ ما هي أهم أنواع الضرائب؟ ما هو الدين العام؟ كيف يتم تحضير الموازنة العامة؟ وما هو دور مجلس النواب بالموازنة ودور البلديات؟


Lebanon Citizen Budget Dashboard

The Lebanon Citizen Budget Dashboard is an interactive way to access Lebanon's budget data. You can browse expenditures data in a easy-to-understand information and visuals.


ما هي الموازنة المراعية للنوع الاجتماعي؟

هل تعلم ما هي الموازنة المراعية للنوع الإجتماعي؟ ما هي مراحل إعدادها ؟ من الجهات المعنية ؟ 


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