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Economic development
TOPICEconomic Development

Understanding the financial and economic system is central to our mission, alongside raising awareness of state institution management and public policies. We enhance the capacity of civil servants and citizens to comprehend and utilize financial and economic reports. Additionally, we produce high-quality economic information to help development and growth  and support informed decision-making and policy development across various fields, such as creative and cultural industries.

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Seminar & Lecture
9:00-11:45 am
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10:00 am-12:45 pm
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2:00-4:30 pm
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Roundtable & Panel Discussion
4:00 pm
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4:00 pm
IOF Talks - Fiscal Responses in Times of crisisLebanon is facing the worst economic and financial crisis of its recent history, driven by major macro-fiscal and financial imbalances. Currency deprecation, hyperinflation, depletion of foreign currency reserves, banking sector impairment and twin deficits continue to hamper prospects for economic recovery. - What are the experiences and good practices of countries that have faced comparable challenges? - How Public Financial Management systems and instruments such as assessments, fiscal rules, budgeting, and others, can play a role in mitigating and later exiting the crisis and pave a sustainable way forward? Natalie Jaresko, Former Ukraine's Minister of Finance and Yomna Akram Khattab, Former Deputy Minister of Finance for Fiscal Policies in Egypt share their respective countries, experiences in responding to financial crisis and tackle with Alia Moubayed the role of PFM systems and instruments in mitigating and exiting crisis.Lebanon is facing the worst economic and financial crisis of its recent history, driven by major macro-fiscal and financial imbalances. Currency deprecation, hyperinflation, depletion of foreign currency reserves, banking sector impairment and twin deficits continue to hamper prospects for economic recovery. - What are the experiences and good practices of countries that have faced comparable challenges? - How Public Financial Management systems and instruments such as assessments, fiscal rules, budgeting, and others, can play a role in mitigating and later exiting the crisis and pave a sustainable way forward? Natalie Jaresko, Former Ukraine's Minister of Finance and Yomna Akram Khattab, Former Deputy Minister of Finance for Fiscal Policies in Egypt share their respective countries, experiences in responding to financial crisis and tackle with Alia Moubayed the role of PFM systems and instruments in mitigating and exiting crisis.Lebanon is facing the worst economic and financial crisis of its recent history, driven by major macro-fiscal and financial imbalances. Currency deprecation, hyperinflation, depletion of foreign currency reserves, banking sector impairment and twin deficits continue to hamper prospects for economic recovery. - What are the experiences and good practices of countries that have faced comparable challenges? - How Public Financial Management systems and instruments such as assessments, fiscal rules, budgeting, and others, can play a role in mitigating and later exiting the crisis and pave a sustainable way forward? Natalie Jaresko, Former Ukraine's Minister of Finance and Yomna Akram Khattab, Former Deputy Minister of Finance for Fiscal Policies in Egypt share their respective countries, experiences in responding to financial crisis and tackle with Alia Moubayed the role of PFM systems and instruments in mitigating and exiting crisis.Lebanon is facing the worst economic and financial crisis of its recent history, driven by major macro-fiscal and financial imbalances. Currency deprecation, hyperinflation, depletion of foreign currency reserves, banking sector impairment and twin deficits continue to hamper prospects for economic recovery. - What are the experiences and good practices of countries that have faced comparable challenges? - How Public Financial Management systems and instruments such as assessments, fiscal rules, budgeting, and others, can play a role in mitigating and later exiting the crisis and pave a sustainable way forward? Natalie Jaresko, Former Ukraine's Minister of Finance and Yomna Akram Khattab, Former Deputy Minister of Finance for Fiscal Policies in Egypt share their respective countries, experiences in responding to financial crisis and tackle with Alia Moubayed the role of PFM systems and instruments in mitigating and exiting crisis.Lebanon is facing the worst economic and financial crisis of its recent history, driven by major macro-fiscal and financial imbalance: what are the experiences and good practices of countries that have faced comparable challenges and how PFM systems and instruments can play a role in mitigating and later exiting the crisis and pave a sustainable way forward? Natalie Jaresko, Former Ukraine's Minister of Finance and Yomna Akram Khattab, Former Deputy Minister of Finance for Fiscal Policies in Egypt with Alia Moubayed answer these questions.
التكنولوجيا المالية تناول هذا الوبينار أبرز المفاهيم الجديدة في مجال التكنولوجيا المالية لاسيما blockchains وsmart contracts  وأثرها على الاقتصاد. كما ناقش التحديات المالية والاقتصادية التي تواجهها الأنشطة والخدمات العابرة للحدود والحلول التي يمكن أن توفّرها هذه التكنولوجيا الرقمية لاسيما في تعزيز الالتزام الضريبي.
Les outils numériques pour une intelligence collectiveQuelles sont les nouvelles pratiques d'apprentissage collaboratif à l’ère du digital ? Quels sont les nouveaux outils qui enrichissent l'intelligence collective des enseignants, formateurs et apprenants ? Organisé dans le cadre du projet CONECTE avec: - Pr. Fadi el Hage, délégué du recteur pour le développement professionnel à l'USJ - Dr. Lilia Cheniti Belcadhi, maître de conférence et experte en E-learning et innovation pédagogique.
Conférence de lancement: Publication de l'étude sur la contribution économique des industries culturelles et créativesPersuadé que ces industries méritent d’être accompagnées par des politiques publiques adaptées à leur spécificité, leur réalité et besoins spécifiques, l’Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan s’est lancé dans une étude portant sur “La Contribution Economique des Industries Culturelles et Créatives Au Liban”.
ما هي العوائق التي تواجهها الصناعات الثقافية والابداعية في لبنان؟- الحلقة 2 ما هو دور هذا القطاع في لبنان -  ما هي العوائق التي يواجها - ما هي  الحلول الممكنة.
ما هي الحلول الممكنة لتعزيز الصناعات الثقافية والابداعية في لبنان ؟ الحلقة 3ما هو دور هذا القطاع في لبنان  ما هي العوائق التي يواجها ما هي الحلول الممكنة.
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Industry Topics
Public investment management
Public Investment Management (PIM) involves the processes by which governments select, construct, and maintain public assets essential for delivering basic public services and supporting economic…
Accounting and Audit
Accounting and auditing are cornerstones of financial performance and accountability. Lebanon faces significant challenges in adopting international standards, including regular parliamentary…
Public Procurement topic
Public procurement
Public procurement is a strategic policy instrument essential to sound financial governance. Accounting for 20% to 60% of government expenditures globally, it plays a crucial role in enhancing the…
Leadership & Change Management
Supporting people and institutions in envisioning, designing, and implementing policy reforms is essential for state modernization. We focus on developing key skills and competencies, such as…
Financial Crimes and Anti Corruption
Financial crimes and corruption significantly undermine a country's macroeconomic stability and overall economic health. The Public Financial Management (PFM) approach to anti-corruption capacity…
Digital Transformation
In today's rapidly evolving world, digital transformation is essential for organizations striving to stay competitive and relevant. By guiding and supporting public sector entities through their…
Lebanon's tax system has long been plagued by inequalities with adverse effects on fiscal sustainability and economic activity. Modernizing the tax system is crucial for building a fair and…
Fiscal Transparency
Fiscal Transparency
In Lebanon, enhancing financial transparency has become essential to securing international support for funding and investment. While the government must take action to improve transparency, citizens…
Customs play a crucial role in fostering national growth and nations well-being. Strategic customs procedures and policies help safeguard revenues, protect the state's fiscal interests, and boost…
Economic development
Economic Development
Understanding the financial and economic system is central to our mission, alongside raising awareness of state institution management and public policies. We enhance the capacity of civil servants…
Learning techniques picture
Learning Techniques
Lifelong learning and skills development are essential for staying abreast of good practices and emerging trends and for one’s personal and professional development. Our programs rely on a variety of…
Public Private Partnerships picture
Public Private Partnerships
When well regulated, Public Private Partnerships can emerge as a powerful mechanism for driving innovation, efficiency, and sustainability in the delivery of public services, infrastructure, and…

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