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TOPICLeadership & Change Management

Supporting people and institutions in envisioning, designing, and implementing policy reforms is essential for state modernization. We focus on developing key skills and competencies, such as interaction and communication abilities, collaboration and co-creation, leadership, problem-solving, and networking. We enhance personal, team, and institutional capacities to effectively navigate change processes in their environments.

Training Program
9:00 am-2:30 pm
Regie Libanaise des Tabacs et Tombacs in the regions
Training Program
9:00 am-2:30 pm
Regie Libanaise des Tabacs et Tombacs
Training Program
9:00 am-2:00 pm
Regie Libanaise des Tabacs et Tombacs
9:00 am-5:00 pm
Regie Libanaise des Tabacs et Tombacs
9:00 am-5:30 pm
Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan
Training Program
9:00 am-1:00 pm
Régie Libanaise des Tabacs et Tombacs
Policy Brief
11:00 am-12:00 pm
Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan
9:00 am-5:00 pm
Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan
3:00-4:30 pm
Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan
11:00 am-12:00 pm
Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan
L'Etat : un choix incontournable - 16 juin 2022Ouverture de la journée de débats et d’échanges pour relancer le débat sur la gouvernance publique au Liban et réfléchir avec les cadres dirigeants et les partenaires du développement, aux pistes de relance possibles. avec Ghassan Zeenny, directeur ad interim de l'Institut et Anne Grillo, ambassadrice de France au Liban.
L'Etat : un choix incontournable - 3ème séance plénièreLa 3ème séance plénière de cette journée de débats et d’échanges s'est intéressée aux expériences de gestion de crise des cadres dirigeants libanais et élus locaux avec: Sami Alawieh, directeur général de l’Office national du Litani, Khaled Hamadeh, ancien directeur du Centre des études stratégiques de l’armée libanaise ,Georges Maarawi, directeur général des Finances par intérim, Faisal Makki, magistrat, Georges Youssef, maire de Menjez, Akkar.
Affirmer son leadership grâce à l'intelligence émotionnelleCe webinaire, organisé dans le acdre des Rencontres des cadres dirigeants du secteur public 2021 invite les participants à savoir exprimer et défendre leur opinion tout en étant à l’écoute, savoir articuler souplesse et fermeté, ou bien encore savoir dire non, leur permettant ainsi de développer leur leadership, l’assertivité du leader étant un gage d’efficacité.
الحدّ من المخاطر في إدارة الكوارث:  كيف نعزّز الاستجابة المستدامة للأزمات ؟تناول هذا الوبينار مرتكزات الخطة الوطنية لادارة الكوارث والتحديات التي يواجهها القطاع العام -  المتطلبات لتعزيز قدرة الادارات والمؤسسات العامة لمواجهة المخاطر والاستعداد لها -السبل لدمج الحد من مخاطر الكوارث في سياسات التنمية المستدامة.
الصدمة وتعزيز القدرة على التحملكيف يتعامل الدماغ مع الصدمة وآثارها؟ ما هي ردّات الفعل النفسية والجسدية امام الصدمات وكيفية التعامل معها؟ كيف نعزز قدرتنا على التحمل والنهوض من جديد؟ 
تحديات القيادة في زمن الأزماتيعرض هذا الوبينار دور القياديين في إدارة الأزمات وإمكانية التكيّف والمرونة لضمان استمرارية العمل.
Industry Topics
Customs play a crucial role in fostering national growth and nations well-being. Strategic customs procedures and policies help safeguard revenues, protect the state's fiscal interests, and boost…
Digital Transformation
In today's rapidly evolving world, digital transformation is essential for organizations striving to stay competitive and relevant. By guiding and supporting public sector entities through their…
Economic development
Economic Development
Understanding the financial and economic system is central to our mission, alongside raising awareness of state institution management and public policies. We enhance the capacity of civil servants…
Financial Crimes and Anti Corruption
Financial crimes and corruption significantly undermine a country's macroeconomic stability and overall economic health. The Public Financial Management (PFM) approach to anti-corruption capacity…
Accounting and Audit
Accounting and auditing are cornerstones of financial performance and accountability. Lebanon faces significant challenges in adopting international standards, including regular parliamentary…
Fiscal Transparency
Fiscal Transparency
In Lebanon, enhancing financial transparency has become essential to securing international support for funding and investment. While the government must take action to improve transparency, citizens…
Cadastre & Land Registry
Sound management of land and cadastre affairs holds substantial potential for economic and social development. It can significantly boost state revenues associated with land activities and improve…
State-Owned Enterprises
State Owned Enterprises
State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in the Lebanese public sector are poorly defined and plagued by inefficiency, low productivity, and a lack of innovation. The government faces significant financial and…
Public Private Partnerships picture
Public Private Partnerships
When well regulated, Public Private Partnerships can emerge as a powerful mechanism for driving innovation, efficiency, and sustainability in the delivery of public services, infrastructure, and…
Public budgets serve as a blueprint that guides how governments collect and allocate resources to meet the needs of their citizens. At its core, effective public budgeting ensures transparency and…
Public investment management
Public Investment Management (PIM) involves the processes by which governments select, construct, and maintain public assets essential for delivering basic public services and supporting economic…
Social Protection
In the midst of the crisis that hit Lebanon in 2019, vulnerability and poverty among the population significantly increased. In response, the Government has approved a new Pensions Law in…

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