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Karim Daher Pic
Karim Daher
  • Lawyer and Partner - HBD-T
  • at Lebanon

Karim Daher is an international business lawyer and lecturer on Tax Law and Public Economy at Saint Joseph University of Beirut. 
He has published several comprehensive books and studies on taxes and finance among which “Les impôts au Liban” and “Modernization of Public Finance’s rules in Lebanon”. 

He has been appointed on behalf of Lebanon as a member of the United Nations’ High-Level Panel on International Financial Accountability, Transparency and Integrity for achieving the 2030 Agenda (FACTI Panel). Karim Daher has been heavily involved during the past decades in the modernization of the Lebanese financial and commercial laws and he has represented the Beirut Bar Association (BBA) at the Parliament for the drafting and adoption of several anti-corruption and budget laws.

He is currently the president-in-office of the BBA Commission for the protection of Depositors’ rights and a member of the AML/CFT Compliance Committee. 
He is the founder and former president of the Lebanese Association for Taxpayers’ Rights (ALDIC), a non-governmental organization aimed at enhancing tax ethics and compliance.

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