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Lena Dergham
  • Director General - LIBNOR

Since 2014, Lena Dargham is the Director General of the Lebanese Standards Institution (LIBNOR), a public institution affiliated to the Ministry of Industry.

In 2016, she was appointed Chair of the ISO Committee for Developing countries (DEVCO) by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in Geneva. As such, she became the first Arab national to hold this position since the creation of the Committee in 1961.

Lena Dargham has also served as member of the ISO DEVCO Chair’s Advisory Group, chair of the National Committee for Technical Regulation and Conformity Assessment, member of the Board of Directors of the Lebanese Accreditation Council (COLIBAC), member of the National Metrology Council, the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Contact Point in Lebanon, Alimentarius Regional coordinator for the Near East Region, member of the High Advisory Committee on Standardization in the Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization (AIDMO), and member of the National ACAA Committee (Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products).

Lena Dargham is also a lecturer at Saint Joseph University (USJ) and holds a Diploma of Agricultural Engineering from the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) and a Master Degree in Food Quality Management Systems from AUF.

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