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Rabih Al Chammay
  • Head of programme
  • Ministry of Public Health
  • Lebanon

Dr. Rabih EL Chammay is a psychiatrist and advocate for mental health.

He has more than a decade’s experience working on public mental health, refugee mental health and mental health system reform. 

He is currently head of the national mental health programme at the Ministry of Public Health in Lebanon – a programme he founded in 2014 aimed at reforming Lebanon’s mental health system. 

He is also a member of the Department of Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine at Saint Joseph University of Beirut, and has a long history of collaboration with international agencies and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). He also serves as the chair of the World Health Organization’s Strategic and Technical Advisory Group on Mental Health. 

Dr. Rabih EL Chammay obtained a degree in psychiatry from Saint Joseph University of Beirut, and obtained an International Master in mental health policy and service development from NOVA University, Portugal.

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