In 2011, the Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan was selected by the Russia Trust Fund among 11 other pilot countries and as the only MENA country to implement the first national survey measuring financial literacy and capabilities in Lebanon. This international initiative, led by the International Network on Financial Education (INFE) and managed by the World Bank is part of the project "Measuring financial capability: a new instrument and results from low and middle-income countries".
First of its kind in the Arab world, this survey aimed to raise awareness of the existing level of financial literacy in Lebanon, and constitute the baseline for the design and development of a national strategy for promoting economic and financial education of all Lebanese citizens.
The nationally representative quantitative survey, implemented between July 2011 and August 2012, was conducted on a sample of 1,214 Lebanese households measuring financial literacy levels across the country and identifying key areas for improvement. The topics covered included day to day money management, planning for the future, key motivations behind financial behavior and knowledge of basic concepts of public finance.
The results were published in 2014 in "Les Libanais et l'Argent" booklet. They provided a comprehensive overview of financial literacy across different demographic groups and highlighted significant gaps, particularly among the youth. Findings have since been used to inform public policy on financial education in Lebanon, as well as in the context of reforms in the Lebanese social protection system.
The Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan remains dedicated to improving financial literacy among Lebanese youth. By expanding partnerships with educational institutions and utilizing technology to reach a wider audience, the Institute ensures that financial literacy becomes an integral part of the educational experience for future generations. This long-term commitment reflects the Institute's broader mission to contribute to Lebanon's economic stability and growth by fostering a financially literate society.