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Awareness session on Public Procurement law in Lebanon:  Enhancing Transparency and Accountability in Public Procurement
Public Procurement
Awareness session on Public Procurement law in Lebanon: Enhancing Transparency and Accountability in Public Procurement
9:00 am-1:00 pm
Public procurement
شراء عام

September 6, 2021 marked the launch of a series of awareness sessions on the new Public Procurement law in Lebanon no. 244/2021 dated July 19, 2021, addressed to the business community and civil society organizations, and jointly organized by the Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan and Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD).


The first session focused on “Enhancing Transparency and Accountability in Public Procurement” and was delivered by Ms. Rana Rizkallah Fares, Procurement Expert at the Institute.


Lively discussions and exchange were held with 16 representatives from the Order of Engineers in Beirut and Tripoli, the Syndicate of Contractors, the Bar Association in Beirut, the Rassemblement des Dirigeants des Chefs d’Entreprises Libanais (RDCL), Lebanese Association of Certified Public Accountants (LACPA), Lebanese Transparency Association, Gherbal, Democracy Reporting International, Organization for Petroleum and Energy Studies, Arab NGO Network on Development (ANND), and Digital Transformation Network.


A series of meetings were held in the following months to raise awareness and prepare the ground for effective implementation, participation and monitoring of the new procurement law, highlighting its various features, principles and governance mechanisms.

They were organized in the framework of a joint collaboration between the Institute and WFD that is part of the national efforts leading to a sound entry into force of the Law in 2022.


Don’t hesitate to check:

– the second awareness session that took place on september 28th, 2021: Enhancing competition and participation of SMEs in Public Procurement

– the third session that took place on october 29th, 2021: الخطوات المستقبلية لتطبيق قانون الشراء العام

– the fourth session on november 18th, 2021: آليات الاعتراض في الشراء العام

– the fifth session held on December 15th, 2021: Digitizing Public Procurement and Power of Open Data: towards a strategic vision for Lebanon

– and the sixth and last session on December 21st, 2021: دفاتر الشروط النموذجية: أداة أساس لتطبيق قانون الشراء العام

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This Workshop is part of

Presentation - Awareness session on Law 244/2021

Public Procurement Law - Episode 1 - Why reforming Public Procurement in Lebanon : Why is it essential to reform the public procurement system and what are the lessons learnt from the world ?

قانون الشراء العام - الجزء 1 - لماذا إصلاح الشراء العام في لبنان :  لماذا من الضروري إصلاح منظومة الشراء العام وما هي التجارب الناجحة من العالم ؟


Public Procurement Law - Episode 2: A modern procurement law addressing gaps & risks and explains the process to reform the public procurement system in Lebanon.

قانون الشراء العام - الجزء 2: قانون شراء عام عصري يعالج الثغرات ويحدّ من المخاطري ويتطرّق إلى عمليّة إصلاح منظومة الشراء العام في لبنان.


Public Procurement Law - Episode 3 - Towards achieving inclusiveness, budget integration & professionalization: what are the new law principles & who does it include, integration into the budget & the importance of preparing a specialized cadre that carries out public operations.

قانون الشراء العام - الجزء 3 - نحو الشمولية، والدمج في الموازنة والتخصص ما هي مبادىء القانون الجديد و من يشمل، الدمج في الموازنة وأهمية إعداد كادر متخصص يقوم بعمليات الشراء العام.

Awareness session on Public Procurement law in Lebanon:  Enhancing Transparency and Accountability in Public Procurement
Awareness session on Public Procurement law in Lebanon:  Enhancing Transparency and Accountability in Public Procurement
Awareness session on Public Procurement law in Lebanon:  Enhancing Transparency and Accountability in Public Procurement
Awareness session on Public Procurement law in Lebanon:  Enhancing Transparency and Accountability in Public Procurement
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