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Date From

Economic Development
War Damages and the Challenges of Reconstruction
3:30 - 5:00 pm
Registration Deadline

The webinar on “War damages and the challenges of reconstruction” gathered more than 90 participants and aimed to :

  • Present the economic impact of the war (destruction of infrastructure and cost of reconstruction, handling construction and damage waste, impact on trade and industry, loss of human capital, etc.), 

  • Discuss the governance of the reconstruction process including local vs. international leadership in reconstruction and aid coordination and conditionality, Environmental damage and sustainability, and balancing long-term development vs. short-term reconstruction. 

  • Debate gender empowerment in the aftermath of the war and its role of women leadership in fostering sustainable peace. 

We were honored to host a series of insightful interventions from our esteemed experts:

  • Jean-Christophe Carret, World Bank Country Director for the Middle East Department (Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria)
  • Ms. Gielan Elmessiri, UN Women Representative in Lebanon
  • Ms. Kawthar Dara, Senior Economist (on behalf of Ms. Blerta Aliko, UNDP Resident Representative)
  • Mr. Ramzi El Hafez, Director of Infopro and Lebanon Opportunities

Moderated by Ms. Hasmig Dantziguian Khoury, Sustainability Consultant.

Don't hesitate to watch the video.

Targeted to:

War Damages and the Challenges of Reconstruction

This webinar aimed to present the economic impact of the war and discuss the governance of the reconstruction process and the gender empowerment in the aftermath of the war.


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